Absolutely everything you need to get your ticket cleared fast and easy. No Gimmicks and No Hidden Fees.

  • Course and final exam
  • Registration and payment confirmation/proof/receipt
  • Unlimited logins
  • Open book exams
  • Instant grading and results
  • Electronic certificate submission to DMV/court immediately upon course completion
  • Unlimited course attempts
  • Proof of course completion
  • 100% money back guarantee

Please Select the County and Court that Issued your Citation:

You can enter either a citation, docket or case number. The court can identify you with either number, which you can find on your court documents. Contact your court if you need help with this number.

This is the date that the court has given you to complete traffic school by.

Your Information:

Most regular automobile drivers possess a Class C license.

Most regular motorcycle drivers possess a Class M1 license.

You can find your license Class on your driver's license.

If your driver's license was not issued in California then select Non California License.

Create a Password:

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